Detox and cleansing procedures are conducted by the most highly specialised clinic in Germany, using the method developed by Dr. Otto Buchinger. Therapeutic fasting and integrative medicine lead to weight loss, ease the symptoms of many chronic conditions, improve your metabolism and revitalise you.
Therapeutic fasting combines the traditional fasting methods with integrative medicine and various stimuli for self-development, in order to improve a patient’s physical condition and his internal harmony over a long-term period.
The therapeutic objectives range from prevention to treatment of metabolic illnesses, and also include chronic states of fatigue, exhaustion and depression.
At Dr. Buchinger’s clinic, your enthusiasm for life will be reborn. So will your desire for personal growth and your level of life satisfaction.
All the procedures are carried out under the observation of qualified doctors. During your stay, you will also be given the opportunity to undergo additional health and beauty procedures.